Sydney is a 4 year old, 38 lb. spayed female in Chesterfield, VA.
Sydney is up to date on all shots & healthy. She is high energy. Very smart & obeys basic training commands such as sit, lay down, come, stop, get your ball, etc.
Originally, "bell trained" to go potty, she now just signals that she needs to go out by going to the door and/or a quick bark or whine to indicate the request. She is put in her crate when I will be gone for extended periods of time (over 4+ hours) but there have been no potty accidents or destructive behavior while left unsupervised during short periods of time.
Personal traits/behavior: protective, loving, loyal, loves to cuddle. She is the more dominant to her sibling. Sydney has strong herding tendency.
Due to change in family status & as primary caregiver, my work schedule does not allow her the time she needs & deserves to be uncrated, played with, loved on & the freedom to run/exercise. I also travel frequently.
The ideal adoptive family would not have small children (under 10) or other pets (cats/dogs). A large backyard/land would be ideal as she loves to run & explore. Adopters will be asked to provide basic family details, work schedule & provide pictures of outdoor space where she will live. It is highly preferable that she & her sister (Lyndey) are adopted together.
I am happy to provide transportation within 4 hours of Richmond. It is my desire to find the girls a loving home where they will be able to spend more time outside & with their new family. I am not asking for a re-homing fee but would request that you make a donation to this wonderful organization.