ACDs Being Rehomed
The dogs listed on this page are looking for new homes for a variety of reasons. Their listings are provided as a courtesy to assist in placements into new, loving homes.
Descriptions of each dog and contact information for their owners are provided in the biography which accompanies each. As these dogs are not in ACDRA's care, please contact the owner directly. We have no other information than what has been written by the owner.
If you have an ACD you need to rehome, please complete this form. A member of our re-homing team will follow up with within the next two days.
Click on each photo to read more about the dog. Please email the people directly to find out more about each dog.

ACDRA does not assume any liability for damages, injuries, or other harm that may be caused by a dog listed through ACDRA's rehoming services. The owners of these dogs retain responsibility for disclosure of behavioral, medical, or other conditions that may arise from the adoption of their pet(s). ACDRA encourages honest communication and full disclosure by owners to potential adopters.