Maggie is a 5 year old, 35 lb. spayed female mix in Taunton, MA.
“Howdy! I’m Magnolia Blue, but my friends call me Maggie and I can see you and I are going to be BFFs.”
“I am 5 years young. I am an ACD/Aussie mix and a little overweight. I live with 3 other dogs (an American Bully, Pit Bull mix and a Mini Goldendoodle) and a cat. I try my best to leave that cat alone, but I must admit that sometimes, I just run toward her. I don’t mind having roommates, but I would LOVE to be the center of attention.”
“I am crate and housetrained. I use a dog door too. I sleep either under the bed or in my cage. I do not go on the furniture, but I certainly would, if asked. I try not to jump up, but when I see you, I get so happy to see you and hug you. I guess a house with smaller children is not a good option for me.”
“My yard has what you call an electric fence. I like to walk the border and wait for visitors, Mom has a habit of shopping on Amazon, so we get LOTS of visitors. I have gone over the line several times even though I got shocked. There are these couple dogs who take their humans for walks right past our house, if you can believe it. I ran past the fence and got shocked 3 times and I just wanted to get a chance to bark real close to let them know it was my house. One woman got scratched and a man got bit, he had to get a shot, he didn’t like that much. I think I would be Ok if I had a wooden fence around my yard, I wouldn’t mind so much. A big yard or a farm would be ideal.”
“I have all my shots and have been spayed. I am on monthly heartworm pill, which I HATE, and topical flea and tick medicine.”
“I can’t wait to come home with you. Mom says she is heartbroken to see me go, but they say it’s the best for me. There is no fee for me, but a donation to the rescue would be great. Mom wants to talk to you on the phone before we meet. She says she can help with my travel expenses. I’ll pack my bags, just tell me how to get home to you.”