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Bear is a 1 year old, 50 lb. neutered male mix living in Brooklyn, NY.

Bear is an Australian Cattle Dog/Pitbull mix. He is a very sweet and sensitive boy who is generally excited and happy to meet new people. He may take awhile to warm up to strangers but once he does he will be more than willing to request pets and find a spot to sit right on their feet. He loves being around people so much that it can at times be difficult for him to be left on his own.

To summarize Bear’s typical day: it begins with a morning walk, followed by breakfast, a nap, command training, potty break, a few more hours of napping/lounging, another exercise walk, dinner and a final potty. All in all, Bear does not have a ton of energy and his needs can be satisfied with some good walking, sniffing, and training (which he generally really enjoys as long as there are treats involved)! He is fully house broken and can manage a long sit/stay on his cot throughout the day. He is trained to walk with a head collar and knows several commands, including sit, place, touch, heel, lay down, paw.

Due to Bear’s fear-based aggression and resource guarding issues, we have had incidents where Bear has bitten or attempted to bite us. These conflicts have mainly arisen over disturbing him when he is having meals or has found food he is not supposed to have. He has also had some handling issues, particularly around grooming and the vet. His bites have caused shallow punctures and bruising and have been directed to whatever is closest to him (hands/arms and legs). He has worn a muzzle and will tolerate it but we continue to work with him on making the muzzle more positive for him.

That being said, Bear currently lives in a city but would benefit from a new home with more open space for him to explore. He would most likely need an owner with experience and patience. He does well with most adults who he meets and is usually excited and happy to be around other friendly and gentle dogs. We would not recommend that Bear go to a home with any young children as his skittish nature can make him defensive around them.

We love Bear very much and it saddens us to make the choice to re-home him. We have spent the past year pouring all of our energy, care and resources into trying to make his life with us as happy and fulfilled as possible. Ultimately, we feel that our resources being first time dog owners, living in a city with limited space are not enough to help him work through/mitigate some of the challenges he has faced since he was a puppy. We are hoping to get Bear into an environment with someone who has the patience and experience necessary to continue training and working with him to give him the best life possible.


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