Stella is an 8 year old, 45 lb. spayed female mix in Palmyra, NY.
Meet Stella Blue, a rambunctious and loving 45 lb, 8-year-old female Australian Shepherd-Blue Heeler mix with a heart of gold. Stella came to us from a farm in Ohio as a puppy and our life together has been full of adventures. Initially when she came to live with us we were in the city of Rochester, NY. Our instincts suggested that she would thrive better in a spacious home in the county away from loud cars or trucks, and with more green space for her to explore.
Within some time, we found ourselves in an old farmhouse in the Finger lakes Region of NYS. We saw her nervousness quickly shed and her true nature began to shine. Regularly Stella may be found running the property in pursuit of small critters, or lounging on the porch in the afternoon sun. Stella loves all seasons! The snow brings out her puppy excitement even to this day, leading her to bunny hop in and out of snow banks and throw snowballs up with her pointed nose. Her loyal nature provides a wonderful trait in that she rarely needs to be on a leash or fenced in. Owners can rest assured knowing she will stay close to home and will monitor you more than you will need to monitor her.
Stella also makes a wonderful camping buddy! I recall many fond memories of backpacking trips, hikes up waterfalls, and naps along lakesides. We were able to sleep easy and felt safe knowing that Stella was always on duty to protect her family.
Stella is house trained with minimal to no accidents to worry about even when left for longer periods of time, however this little escape artist has dodged the crate since infancy. Stella is incredibly smart and can pick up new skills surprisingly fast, so the opportunities with a diligent and consistent owner for training are endless.
Stella has tender heart of gold, however her mix of loyalty and alertness may translate to anxious or fearful at times. This reaction is brought out when around other stranger-animals and small children. Stella would thrive best in a home with no small children or other pets. Stella does not show outright aggression towards other animals and children, but the chaotic environment that generally comes with infants/toddlers and/or other pets in the home may trigger Stella’s defensive tendencies and be a recipe for an accident. Unfortunately, history has shown this to be true, and as our own family grows we have made the difficult decision to find Stella a new forever home.
Although entering into her middle-ages in terms of pet years, Stella is in top physical health and has no special physical/medical needs to note. She shots are all up-to-date with records provided to support.
If you think your home may be a perfect fit for Stella, or wish to seek more information, email