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Shadow is a 1 year old, 40 lb. neutered male in Millersville, PA

Meet Shadow! He is a high energy boy that needs a lot of activity and a job. A fence would be highly recommended! He would benefit from someone who has more time for him as he is VERY smart so more hands on training would go a long way. He is house trained, up to date on all his shots, and neutered.

He is best suited in a house without children, other (medium to large) dogs are okay as he is very playful. He’s a lover and protector, a snuggle bug and kisser but very territorial and protective. He LOVES his toys and is a chewer so make sure you have something for him to chew on or he'll find something on his own!

Sadly, Shadow has bitten several people and will need someone who is experienced with training and correcting aggressive behaviors and reactions. Here's a description of the occurrences:
Bite 1: A friend of my daughter's as they were playing around. He got her above the knee. I believe he thinks he was protecting my daughter  
Bite 2: Someone was in our backyard, he ran out to him and bit his leg
Bite 3: Days later, he ran to a neighbor's deck and bit his leg
Bite 4: My nephew walked into our home today and Shadow ran downstairs and immediately bit him

Shadow is a happy handsome boy that just needs love, attention, and space to correct his behaviors so he can thrive and be the lovebug he is.


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