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Sancho is a 1.5 year old 40 lb. neutered male in San Antonio, TX

Sancho was a stray I found on Thanksgiving 2023. He is a very loving dog, and he loves to play. He requires training and attention that I'm not really able to provide at this time. While I love dogs, I didn't have one specifically because I knew I wasn't able to have one as of yet.


Before he was fixed he bit my mother, but she was attempting to break up him from mounting her dog. Also since being fixed he has no longer shown aggression.


I always planned on rehoming him however after his biting that hurt his chances. However he has shown me he has a lot of love in him. Especially after getting fixed his aggression immediately subsided.


He loves walks, loves tug of war and is a big fan of rough housing with my parents dog. He's a shadow so he'll follow you everywhere. He loves trying to eat any gross things he can find. He's fantastic and I'd highly recommend you give him a chance.


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