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Olivia is a 2.5 year old, 50 lb. spayed female mix in New Market, MD.

Olivia is a very social, energetic, good girl! She is 2/12 years old and LOVES playing fetch.

I adopted her from the animal shelter 18 months ago. They were not sure about her background but she had never lived indoors so she was not house-trained. Since then we have worked hard and she is fully potty-trained.

She goes to dog daycare and is happiest when she is playing with other dogs and lots of people. She has been very good and loving with children she has interacted with (toddler and infant nephews).


She has NOT demonstrated any behavioral aggression since adopting (18 months ago).

She and I live alone in an apartment. As time has passed, it is clear that is not sufficient for her. Ideally, her new home will have a big yard for her, and other dogs she can play with 24/7.


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