Magnolia is a 2.5 year old, 45 lb. spayed female in Columbus, OH.
Magnolia is a bubbly, happy girl, who always has her tail wagging! She has recently found herself in a position where she needs to find a new home due to some behavioral changes towards other dogs in her current household.
She is a very healthy girl, and is up to date on all vaccines and prevention. She is house trained, crate trained, and responds to basic commands (sit, wait, down ETC). She is a very loyal companion, and loves to give kisses. She is very quick to learn, and loves to accompany her family on hikes and walks. Her energy needs are moderate to high. If you are looking for an adventure buddy, this is your girl!
Maggie has recently developed resource guarding ONLY towards other dogs. Never towards humans. She has never bitten or even growled at a human. Her resource guarding has caused a rift in the bond she had with one of our other dogs, and now they cannot be around each other without fighting. This is her only bad behavior (aside from the occasional jumping on people).
In Magnolia's ideal home, she would be the only dog, and would have an active adult or family with older children who would love to throw the ball with her. She would LOVE to have a huge fenced in yard to run around all day and explore. She can't wait to meet her new forever family!