Jessie is a 3 year old, 45 lb. neutered male in Los Altos, CA
Jessie has lived with a loving family for the past 3 years. Unfortunately, we cannot provide him the activity level he requires due to family medical issues. He has lived both inside and outside the house.
He is housebroken. He is good with other dogs. We do not have children so he hasn't been around kids. He is affectionate and high energy He has been trained and walks well on lead and listens to basic commands (sit, lie down, come). He transports well in cars and has good behavior.
He is a smart red heeler and abit of a comedian with his antics. He can be reactive to certain male dogs but responds to commands to "leave it". We are willing to transport him to his next loving family if they reside in California.
Our primary concern is to find him a loving home where he will be loved and have plenty of activity. The ideal adoptive family would have no small children (we don't know how he will behave). Other dogs in the home are fine as long as he is good with them. A large backyard/land is ideal to give him room to run and romp.
Adopters will be asked to provide basic family details, work schedule and provide pictures of where he will live. I am not asking for a re-homing fee but would encourage a donation to this wonderful organization.