Jennie Girl is a 6 year old, 55 lb. spayed female in Flemington, NJ.
Jennie Girl is a 6 year old Female spayed and is house broken. She has a healthy amount of energy but loves her naps as well. She needs to have a fenced yard to run around in. She enjoys lounging in the sun while we work or play outside. She absolutely loves to go for a car ride to a park.
She loves her people/ family more than anything and lives for the moment she hears our car or footsteps arriving at home. She would be extremely happy to be the only "baby" dog in your home. She is a lap dog for sure but also likes her favorite bed.
Jennie has been with us since 4 months old, but sadly we have to rehome her at this time because she has never accepted our two small dogs that were here before her. Due to their size difference, our small dogs are in danger and our vet has recommended euthanasia for Jennie Girl. We just can not end such a Sweet Loving dog's life.
She has only attacked other dogs in our home. She has gone to camp bowxwow and been in shared room with 20 other dogs with never any incident. Never showed any aggression to humans. She is very affectionate.
We are keeping her isolated currently until we can find her new loving home. We have an outdoor cat that she is terrified of, so I would not reccomend a cat in the home. She is very healthy. We do have an electric fence we use for Jennie that we would give to you to supplement at 4 foot fence or lower. We would also be happy to assist in transportation pending location.