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Darby is a 3 year old, 50 lb. neutered male mix in Huntington, IN

Darby is very smart. He learns things quickly. He sleeps in a crate at night and does go willingly. He loves to play ball and frisbee and loves his squeaking chicken. We have a fenced in back yard. When he begins to bark and we say "no bark" and he obeys. Hhe does bark at trucks and delivery vans that come down the street.


Here is the situation: My husband and I are going to be snow birds this winter beginning in October. Our dog, Darby, does not do well with interaction with others. I have a 3 year old granddaughter and soon to be 2nd grandchild.

Since having Darby, there have been signs of aggression, and biting of individuals who he knows and does not know.

We have had him boarded several times. The last time, he ended up biting one of the caregivers and growling at my husband who was getting in my car. Darby is no longer welcome there. He has been seen by a vet behaviorist. The end result was to euthanize him, which we could not bring ourselves to do.

The solution that we would like to see is for Darby to go to a home where he can be the dog that he was bred for.

I am "mom" and he responds well to me. He loves to ride in cars. 


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